(Sep 12, 2022) Artikel om presidentvalet i Brasilien, in Axess Magasin (in Swedish). Article analyzing the upcoming presidential elections in Brazil. Axess Magasin is a monthly Social Science and Liberal Arts magazine (circulation: 10.000). (text, Axess)
(Nov 2, 2020) Artikel om lokalvalen i Brasilien, in Axess Magasin (in Swedish). Article analyzing the upcoming local elections in Brazil, including an analysis of the wider political context in the middle of the presidential term and in times of the corona pandemic. (text. Axess)
(Oct 23, 2018). “Brasiliens Arbetarparti behöver göra upp med korruptionen.”, in Sydsvenska Dagbladet & Helsinborgs Dagblad (in Swedish). Article analyzing the upcoming Brazilian election in Sydsvenska Dagbladet & Helsingborgs Dagblad (circulation: 200.000).
(Sept 7, 2018). “Dålig stämning”, in Axess Magasin (in Swedish). Article analyzing the upcoming Brazilian presidential election, including an analysis of the economic and political background. (link, text)
(Feb 13, 2018). “Vilka orter bör ha förlossningskliniker?” (Which Swedish municipalities should have maternity wards?) at Ekonomistas (link, in Swedish) (text in English)
(Dec 13, 2016). “Historien går igen”, in Axess Magasin (in Swedish). Article about the current economic and political situation in Brazil. (link, text)
(Nov 23, 2016). Research discussed in VEJA (article: “O impacto”, in Portuguese), Brazil’s most circulated weekly news magazine (circulation: 1.1 million). (link)
(Oct 18, 2016). “Analyzing the spatial allocation of public services with transparent data”. Summary of the Socio-Economic Planning Sciences publication, where I use Operations Research methods for a transparent analysis of the spatial allocation of public services, at Vox LACEA – Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association. (link)
(June 18, 2016) “Transparens ger förståelse”. Discussion about the location of public services in Sweden and transparency of decisions, in Västerbottens-Kuriren (a Swedish daily newspaper, circulation: 30.000). (link)
(Nov 24, 2015) “Poupatempo reduz em 25% os minutos gastos para emitir documentos, mas qualidade dos serviços é pouco impactada”. Report from policy seminar at the University of São Paulo (in Portuguese). (link)
(Nov 9, 2015) Brasilien – framtidslandet (“Brazil – the country of the future”) at Ekonomistas (in Swedish). (link)
(March 25, 2015) Research featured in Brazil Competitive Profile, Financial Times. (link, link from FGV)
(Jan 7, 2015) “Bureaucracy intermediaries, corruption and red tape”, Summary of Journal of Development Economics publication for The International Growth Centre at DFID (UK Department for International Development). (link, text)