
I am a researcher affiliated with the University of São Paulo, Brazil, at the Center for Organization Studies (CORS), which belongs to the faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

My main areas of research are Development Economics and Public Policy, and also Operations Research. I conduct theoretical and empirical projects on bureaucracy and bureaucracy reform, corruption and intermediaries, the informal economy, and methods for planning and evaluating the spatial access to public services. These projects have been financed by Handelsbanken, Vetenskapsrådet and the Hierta Foundation (Sweden), FNRS and the National Bank (Belgium), and the European Commission, which is gratefully acknowledged.

As a journal referee, I have reviewed papers for the European Journal of Political Economy, IEEE Communications Magazine, Journal of Development and Cultural Change, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Regional Science, Public Management Review, RAUSP Management Journal, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences and World Development.

Outside academia, I have experience in telecom and in regulation, including radio network optimization, cost models, competition assessment, spectrum policy and spectrum auctions.  Based on these experiences, I started a theoretical project related to the radio spectrum resource and its management. A different experience altogether was being project leader for an evaluation of a large Central American project aiming at increasing productivity in the coffee sector. The evaluation had several quantitative as well as qualitative components. I have also had different (non-political) assignments related to electoral work in Sweden.


PhD, Economics, Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden
MSc, Engineering Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

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